After Love (2020) is the debut feature film by English -Pakistani director Aleem Khan and has an approval rating of 94% on Rotten Tomatoes. Set in the port town of Dover in the South-East of England, Mary Hussain, a British woman who converted to Islam to marry her husband, a pilot on the ferries that cross the English Channel, suddenly finds herself a widow. A day after the burial, she discovers the photograph of an unknown woman in her husband’s belongings. She travels to Calais, France to find out more about the other woman and her husband’s secret family. The film intelligently explores notions of identity, love and grief. It “is about characters who find that a broken heart is open to empathy and learn to recognize that what connects us is so much more than what divides us” (Roger Ebert).
Joanna Scanlan won the best actress award at the British Academy of Film Awards for her emotionally charged but understated performance. The film was also nominated for Outstanding British Film and Best DIrector awards.